Thursday, May 17, 2007

Perchance, to sleep, to dream

Ok, so that's not quite the Shakespeare quote, but you get the idea... It is one week into having our little Adelais and so far so good. The first question everyone asks is "are you sleeping much?" And, I must say, we're doing ok. Adelais is sleeping a good 2-3 hours at a time during the night. In fact, sometimes we have to wake her up to give her her feeding every 3 hours. Andrea, of course, is getting alittle less sleep than I, but she's still getting enough, for now - as well as a nice nap most afternoons. During the night Andrea is responsible for feeding Adelais, and I'm responsible for changing any diapers that need changing, which is usually at least one each night. One aspect that I think is helping is that we have bought a co-sleeper from Arms Reach (see picture), a crib-like bed that attaches to our bed. Since the side closest to our bed is low, and Adelais is sleeping at the same level as us, Andrea can get Adelais without getting out of bed, or really even sitting up. I think this helps with Andrea's staying more rested and Adelais sleeping better - she is close enough that it is easy to reassure her or bring her closer to cuddle with her. So we are sleeping, not as much as we had been before, but sleep is happening... so far...

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