Friday, September 7, 2007

Two Days, Very Different

Yesterday I had Adelais for quite a while as Andrea started back to teaching Pilates this week. It started out ok, but ended horribly. From 5:15 until 7:30 Adelais yelled - not cried, but yelled. She was so incredibly upset that at times I thought she was going to hyperventilate. After the first hour I thought I was going to loose it myself. I had tried everything I could think of - fed her, walked with her, didn't walk with her, tried a bunch of different ways of holding her, set her down, picked her up again, took her outside, gave her stuff to teeth with, everything I could think of. It was so hard because I just wanted to make her feel better, and safe and happy. I felt like such a failure because I couldn't figure out what to do for her. And, I know, that sometimes babies just get really upset. It was so hard.

And then today I was with her and we had the best time. Adelais and I played on her mat and she smiled, laughed and practiced rolling over so much, it was great. When she started to get alittle upset I gave her a bottle, or we went outside, or we switch activities and she would calm down again. Right before Andrea got home Adelais was getting upset again - it was about time for her to take her next nap and she usually fights it alittle bit. I laid her down on her blanket and she was squirming so I leaned down and gave her a bunch of little kisses on the cheek and almost immediately she was still and closed her eyes. I stopped kissing her and she opened her eyes again, so I started kissing her and she drifted back to sleep. So, I curled down on the floor with her and every time she stirred alittle bit I kissed her and she ended up having a nice long nap.

I have to remember that the hard times do pass and the good times are really the best...

1 comment:

Jared said...

You've seen A and B. Can't wait until you find C. And D. And E.

And so forth. ;) Glad to find another blogfather!