Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Look & Hit

On Sunday we put Adelais down on her play mat - it is one of those mats with little toys hanging overhead for the baby to look at as well as manipulate. We've only put Adelais on it once or twice as she has seemed too young to really notice anything. But, as her eyesight has gotten better we've put her on it. On Sunday she was lying on it staring very intently at three little bells that were hanging to her right. All of a sudden she did a couple of movements with her right hand hitting the bells and causing them to make sounds. She went on to look at other things, but after a minute or so she returned to looking at the bells and then hitting them a couple of times. I'm totally convinced that this was one of her first volitional movements to manipulate the outside world. It was so amazing to watch her thought process - look, and then hit. It was a first glimpse of a whole new world opening for her.

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